(Noah Tall)
2007-03-21 05:54:42 UTC
I gotta tell say, that I have George's CD, and I think the song "It
Just Comes Natural" is alright, nothing great ... BUT ... now that I
understand that it's reached #1 , I gotta vent.
Shouldn't the song be " It Just Comes Naturally" ? WTF ???????
Don't we have enough negative stereotypes about Country music, it's
singers and it's fans without adding to the cat calls and hooting ?
I mean how in the hell is it possible in this day and age of
spellcheckers, instant internet access, e-commerce, spacewalks ,
computer chips in cars, etc ... for someone to publiclly embarass
themself by butchering a 3rd grade sentence, in the most successful
song of the day ?
Too bad "Hee-Haw" went off the air. :) This guy and his songwriter
would fit right in !
Just Comes Natural" is alright, nothing great ... BUT ... now that I
understand that it's reached #1 , I gotta vent.
Shouldn't the song be " It Just Comes Naturally" ? WTF ???????
Don't we have enough negative stereotypes about Country music, it's
singers and it's fans without adding to the cat calls and hooting ?
I mean how in the hell is it possible in this day and age of
spellcheckers, instant internet access, e-commerce, spacewalks ,
computer chips in cars, etc ... for someone to publiclly embarass
themself by butchering a 3rd grade sentence, in the most successful
song of the day ?
Too bad "Hee-Haw" went off the air. :) This guy and his songwriter
would fit right in !