Of course you're bragging. All those who really knew country music went to
a moderated group to avoid you.
Well, looks like this group has had it. No fault of ours,<
Please. Revisionist history? The demise of this group is WITHOUT A
DOUBT, the fault of you and your nitwit band of "irregulars". To
claim innocence, is the height of hypocrisy. No mirrors in your
trailer? :) LOL !!!!!!!!!
we certainly had many threads going over the years.<
PUH-LEEZE!!!!! We had a lot more than that. I defy you and any of your
a**hole friends to find another site, anywhere, anyplace, and anytime
that had more factual information and knowledge about classic country
music than this one. I'm "KING" for a reason. I've forgotten more
about Classic Country Music, than EVERYONE who ever posted,
COMBINED!!!!!! I'm not bragging, it's a fact. Having said that, I
wouldn't piss on most of the a**holes who posted here, if they were on
Stay healthy, may the holidays be enjoyable, have a long happy life.<
Fuc* the holidays!
Secondly, if you love this kind of music, you've ALREADY had a long
happy life compared to many people in the world. We just celebrated
Veteran's Day, which commemorates all our veterans, and I would add,
ALL veterans of every nation, especially the ones who lost their lives
even BEFORE they had a chance to live it! People in this country love
to piss and moan when they inevitably contract some form of illness,
that threatens their lives at 60 something years of age, but seem to
forget how blessed they are. There's been millions of people who've
lost their lives NEEDLESSLY before they even reached the age of 21.
Count your blessings.