Post by Merle BarnesSorry! Of course, I meant Travis Tritt singing "All I Want For Christmas
Dear Is You".
I had Alan Jackson on the brain! His song was "I only Want You For
Christmas". �Geez, that's my second mistake this year! �Sure glad the year's
almost over!!! LOL <
Besides there's only room for one perfect person around here,
anyway. : )
Secondly, thank God Christmas comes once a year, because I get to
visit the malls again. : ) Anyhow, I heard the song again, and it said
Merry Christmas I'm a million miles away or something like that so I
googled with Merry Christmas in front and I finally got some info on
Chris Isaak, who I assume is the singer.
Have no idea who he is, because obviously my musical taste is very one
dimensional, but I have heard the name .
The song caught my ear, because unlike every other song I hear, it
actually conveyed some sadness . : )
In today's country musical landscape, probably much like the society
we live in, we are not allowed anymore to "feel" sadness, or much of
anything. I'm beginning to believe I'm surrounded by zombies. Seems
everyone's got a pill to even them out, and the music, to me, sort of
reflects that.
Thank God I'm here to slap everyone out of their lethargic stupor
periodically. : )
Just another example of my never ending selflessness and devotion to
improving mankind, and the lives of my subjects one post at a
time. : )
Remember, if the "big guy" does exist, I have to humbly take a back
seat to his greatness, so I hearby decree the following day Dec.
26th, from now on will be Kingmas Day . : )
Merry Kingsmas to ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : )