Try to keep up here. �We're not talking about what creates children,<
Selective memory, moron ? Here's what you wrote :
The real root of the problem is too many people (and here we're mostly
talking about men) who refuse to accept responsiblity for their
actions, i.e., creating children.
LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!! IDGIT !!!!!!!!!
�The women and children are usually left in poverty because the guy splits.<
Not at all. They're usually left in poverty because the wife gains 100
lbs, uses all the shopping money to buy lottery tickets, potato chips,
ice cream, oreos and cigarettes, runs up $1000 a month cell phone
charges talking to her illigitimate sister, refuses to cook, clean the
house, get a job or contribute in ANY way to the household, and last
but not least decides to rape the semi-retarded plumber's helper,
because her husband had the nerve to watch the Super Bowl . Sound
familiar ?
Seriously Goober, what you don't seem to be able to understand is that
whether or not the guy splits or whether or not the 225 lb. Amazon
cookie monster splits DOESN"T MATTER !!!!!!! Re-read that about a
million times until it begins to sink in.
Once they get divorced, EVERYONE lives in poverty. It doesn't matter a
bit if they both stay around and stay current on the child support,
etc ... or if one of them falls off the face of the earth and they
become wards of the state. Either way, they're ALL poor.
If people were taking care of their prodigy, the kids wouldn't be living in poverty.<
You just don't get it Goober, do you ? I'm not sure what planet you're
currently living on, but here on earth most people's jobs barely pay
enough to get themselves through life, let alone support a family.
That means that many/most households require two incomes, just to
survive. Add to the equation that you pay appox. one-third of your pay
to taxes, one-third of your pay to child support/alimony, and get to
keep the remaining one third (if you're lucky) for yourself. In other
words, for the cranially challenged like yourself, if you divide all
your "take home" pay equally, and give half to the custodial parent
and keep half for yourself, BOTH parties are living on just about
exactly "HALF" of what they lived on BEFORE the divorce. DO THE
Feeling guilty ? :) LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Geez, you're dense. <
LOL !!!!!!!!!! I was hoping you wouldn't notice ! : ) Seriously,
coming from you that's a compliment.
The children of men who accept responsibility don't live in poverty. �They may not live in high style but they are not going hungry.<
See above. I can see I'm gonna have to go back to the flash cards. : )
Your poor mother.
My point, which you missed entirely, is that the fact of divorce isn't the cause of the poverty.<
BRILLIANT ! : ) You STILL don't get IT ! : ) Let's be honest, your
ONLY point is the one on your head. : )
And there are countless cases where the kids are better off with a single parent than living in an environment of anger, arguments and/or domestic violence.<
EVERYBODY gets angry, EVERYBODY gets in arguements . Who are you, the
little girl who lived in a bubble ? I disagree that there are
countless cases where the kids are better off. Maybe they all just
need a therapy. At any rate, that's not the POINT. : ) The point's NOT
that they may or may not be "better off" with a single parent, it's
that they WILL be "poor, confused and disadvantaged" with one. : )
Do you not realize that you just agreed with my point?<
Not in this lifetime, IDGIT : )