and those Williams boys still ------
(too old to reply)
OldMan Zeke
2009-07-06 14:01:05 UTC
Song: Good Ole Boys Like Me

Don Williams CDs

When I was a kid Uncle Remus he put me to bed
With a picture of Stonewall Jackson above my head
Then daddy came in to kiss his little man
With gin on his breath and a Bible in his hand
He talked about honor and things I should know
Then he'd stagger a little as he went out the door
I can still hear the soft Southern winds in the live oak trees
And those Williams boys they still mean a lot to me
Hank and Tennessee
I guess we're all gonna be what we're gonna be
So what do you do with good ole boys like me
Nothing makes a sound in the night like the wind does
But you ain't afraid if you're washed in the blood like I was
The smell of cape jasmine thru the window screen
John R. and the Wolfman kept me company
By the light of the radio by my bed
With Thomas Wolfe whispering in my head
When I was in school I ran with kid down the street
But I watched him burn himself up on bourbon and speed
But I was smarter than most and I could choose
Learned to talk like the man on the six o'clock news
When I was eighteen, Lord, I hit the road
But it really doesn't matter how far I go
2009-07-06 19:18:25 UTC
Post by OldMan Zeke
Song: Good Ole Boys Like Me
Don Williams CDs �
When I was a kid Uncle Remus he put me to bed
With a picture of Stonewall Jackson above my head
Then daddy came in to kiss his little man
With gin on his breath and a Bible in his hand
He talked about honor and things I should know
Then he'd stagger a little as he went out the door
I can still hear the soft Southern winds in the live oak trees
And those Williams boys they still mean a lot to me
Hank and Tennessee
I guess we're all gonna be what we're gonna be
So what do you do with good ole boys like me
Nothing makes a sound in the night like the wind does
But you ain't afraid if you're washed in the blood like I was
The smell of cape jasmine thru the window screen
John R. and the Wolfman kept me company
By the light of the radio by my bed
With Thomas Wolfe whispering in my head
When I was in school I ran with kid down the street
But I watched him burn himself up on bourbon and speed
But I was smarter than most and I could choose
Learned to talk like the man on the six o'clock news
When I was eighteen, Lord, I hit the road
But it really doesn't matter how far I go
PUH-LEEZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't EVER include Tennessee Williams in the
same sentence or group with Hank Williams again! ; - )

Tennessee Williams belongs with Truman Capote and Dan Cutrer, : ) and
has absolutely NOTHING to do with Country Music or Hank Williams.

Anothe LAME Bob McDill song, showing why his stuff is classified as
"chick music" ! : )

Try to find another Country music artist besides Barry Manilow/Don
Williams who ever recorded a Bob McDill Song ! ; )

I mean did you even read the lyrics????????

Uncle Remus ??? A PICTURE of Stonewall Jackson above your
head?????????????????????????????????? Was this one of the edited
scenes from "Deliverance" ????????? Why in the world would an
intelligent writer barf out a line like that ? Was he trying to say
that he had nightmares every night ? I mean even Stonewall himself
couldn't name a Stonewall Jackson song, and this idgit has a picture
of him above his bed?

Better go with the Farah Fawcett poster on the re-write, Bunky! :)
LOL !!!!!!!!

No wonder his father had booze on his breath! : ) With a son like
that, he must've spent his whole life just one shot (no charge for the
clever pun BTW) away from committing suicide !!!!!!!!!

: )
2009-07-11 03:52:50 UTC
Post by OldMan Zeke
Song: Good Ole Boys Like Me
Don Williams CDs
When I was a kid Uncle Remus he put me to bed
With a picture of Stonewall Jackson above my head
Then daddy came in to kiss his little man
With gin on his breath and a Bible in his hand
He talked about honor and things I should know
Then he'd stagger a little as he went out the door
I can still hear the soft Southern winds in the live oak trees
And those Williams boys they still mean a lot to me
Hank and Tennessee
I guess we're all gonna be what we're gonna be
So what do you do with good ole boys like me
Nothing makes a sound in the night like the wind does
But you ain't afraid if you're washed in the blood like I was
The smell of cape jasmine thru the window screen
John R. and the Wolfman kept me company
By the light of the radio by my bed
With Thomas Wolfe whispering in my head
When I was in school I ran with kid down the street
But I watched him burn himself up on bourbon and speed
But I was smarter than most and I could choose
Learned to talk like the man on the six o'clock news
When I was eighteen, Lord, I hit the road
But it really doesn't matter how far I go
PUH-LEEZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Don't EVER include Tennessee Williams in the
same sentence or group with Hank Williams again! ; - )
Tennessee Williams belongs with Truman Capote and Dan Cutrer, : ) and
has absolutely NOTHING to do with Country Music or Hank Williams.
Anothe LAME Bob McDill song, showing why his stuff is classified as
"chick music" ! : )
Try to find another Country music artist besides Barry Manilow/Don
Williams who ever recorded a Bob McDill Song ! ; )
I mean did you even read the lyrics????????
Uncle Remus ???  A PICTURE of Stonewall Jackson above your
head?????????????????????????????????? Was this one of the edited
scenes from "Deliverance" ????????? Why in the world would an
intelligent writer barf out a line like that ? Was he trying to say
that he had nightmares every night ? I mean even Stonewall himself
couldn't name a Stonewall Jackson song, and this idgit has a picture
of him above his bed?
Better go with the Farah Fawcett poster on the re-write, Bunky! :)
LOL !!!!!!!!
No wonder his father had booze on his breath! : )  With a son like
that, he must've spent his whole life just one shot (no charge for the
clever pun BTW) away from committing suicide !!!!!!!!!
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"Lord Have Mercy On a Country Boy", be interestin' to see you cut
that one down!

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