2008-04-06 18:02:03 UTC
The cowboy hat is the symbol of the DumbFucking idiot. Everyone that
wears one of those gaddamn hats is a braindead idiot. I never
understood why anyone would even want to wear one of those ugly and
rediculous things on their head, but they do, and they prove they are
idiots every time they do. That sums up the mentality of country
musicians. Country music belongs in the hall of shame.
Who listens to that crap anyhow?
Ok, yeah, that's right...... drunken Trailer Trash on crack !!!!
Trailer parks are the place where ugly women inbreed faster than
wears one of those gaddamn hats is a braindead idiot. I never
understood why anyone would even want to wear one of those ugly and
rediculous things on their head, but they do, and they prove they are
idiots every time they do. That sums up the mentality of country
musicians. Country music belongs in the hall of shame.
Who listens to that crap anyhow?
Ok, yeah, that's right...... drunken Trailer Trash on crack !!!!
Trailer parks are the place where ugly women inbreed faster than