�"Tom T stole a coat"
"Rodriguez stole a goat"!
Timing is everything, I guess.
Funny you should mention "Willie likes a toke" . : ) I'm a little
surprised because apparently I never listened to it all the way
through before, but just this week I was listening to Hank Cochran
singing "Am I Gonna Have To Burn Atlanta Down", with Jack Greene and
Jeannie Seely . In it, Jack Greene says that " Hank likes a toke" !
What a coincidence. Two of the best songwriters in Country music, and
two good friends, both with the same line.
While I'm on the subject, I meant to look up that Hank Cochran /
Jeannie Seely / Jack Greene triangle, but I got sidetracked. Can
anyone shed some light on that ?
I know Hank and Jeannie were married for a bit, but Jeannie Seely
seems to be another one of those women who are "on" 24/7, loves
everybody, is everybody's best friend , never met a man she didn't
flirt with, etc ...
It's been my experience that women like that are like flowers that
never open, nobody ever gets very close to them, and they leave a
trail of broken hearts behind them. Anybody have any info. Has Seely
ever been in a long relationship ? Children ?
It seems to me in one of the songs both Cochran and Greene BOTH say
they love her, and I thought that was pretty strange, but it would
play right into a user like Seely. I bet she's still playing two guys
against each other today .
Finally both Cochran and Greene lost a TON of weight soon after this
1978 LP and I was wondering if it had to do with Seely .
Anyone know ?